Juicing has been apart of my life for years now. We purchased a Jack La Lane power machine and each Saturday bought a basket full of greens at farmer’s market. Adding apples, Meyers lemons, carrots, beets and oranges, the greens were almost palatable. The practice made us healthy, provided abundant scraps for our chickens, but completing a 12-ounce cup of juice was a marathon of washing, squashing and washing some more. When we first met Julia Gomez at Saturday Farmer’s Market in Arroyo Grande, I nearly hugged her. She was doing all the heavy lifting and offering us a cold pressed juice that only required the exchanged of money. I call it superb green fast food.
Julia now has a storefront bistro in Grover Beach called Julia’s Juice Bar. Providing tasty combinations of vegetable and fruit juice along with coffee, tea and inspiring edibles. I started with the Veggie Blast that is Kale, carrots, fennel, celery, arugula, cilantro, apple and lemon. Gary went for the sweeter Tropic Fusion that had strawberries, carrots and pineapple and guava. They were both refreshing and delicious along with being good for you. They offer different combinations of red or green veggies that are super detoxifying. They range in price for 12-ounce cup of fresh juice for $7.00 to 32 ounce Mason jar of fresh juice for $16.00.
Julia told us some of the benefits of drinking cold pressed juices. They promote digestion, are anti-inflammatory, detoxes the body, strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, prevents arthritis, it’s good for autoimmune disorders and asthma. All the juices she serves are high in antioxidants, strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood sugar, balances PH, they’re good for kidneys and the nervous system. And with Julia’s deft hand, they taste delightful.
Most of the produce comes from the Red Barn farms in Husana Arroyo Grande. Julia and Javier live on the farm. Javier and Rogelio work hard to rotate 20 acres without the use of pesticide or fertilizer. Javier creates his own emulsion of raw garlic, peppermint oil and chili that he uses to to rid the plants of pests. A passionate farmer, Javier also runs the City farm in San Luis Obispo. This family comprehends food from the source and delivers it in the most natural and wholesome fashion. I am a big fan.
Julia’s Juice Bar is located at 960 W Grand Avenue in Grover Beach, you can call them at (805) 481-4100.
They are open Monday, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, Tuesday, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, Wednesday, Closed, Thursday, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, Friday, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, Saturday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Sunday, Closed.
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